Gathamuga Charhe (गथांमुगः चर्हे) can be thought of as the Newar community‘s celebration of cleanliness. Prior to worshiping the well-known Kumar Kartikeya as their preferred deity, it is traditional to clean the house-courtyard and make it holy by covering all the rooms, including in the pits and sheds.
This day is also known as Gathamuga Charhe (गथांमुगः चर्हे) in Nepal. The meanings of “Ga” means “Home”, “Tha”means “Pillar” and “Mugha” means “Strength (Strong),” respectively. In Newari, Chaturdashi is known as “Chahre” Every year on Chaturdashi Tithi of Shrawan Krishana Pakshya, the Gathamugha festival is observed. To maintain their Homes, Town, Neighborhoods, and Roads clean, sturdy, and safe, the Newar community today in the Kathmandu Valley and abroad constantly removes all the Filthy Objects, Black Magical Powers, Ghosts, Vampires, Monsters, and diseases from inside their dwellings.
Farmers spend extra time cultivating food crops during the wet Monsoon season. Because of how busy everyone is at work right now, there’s a chance that clutter and garbage will build up within the house and cause problems. The dark crevices and grime of the house are thought to be the home of demons, evil spirits, and ghosts who cause people to suffer. These days, the trash that has gathered in the house’s corners is taken out and cleaned because junk is also a source of sickness. This results in the waste being treated like a monster and being dumped into useless vegetation like Reeds, Bamboo, Cypress, Hemp, etc. The devil is driven from the house by cursing it, and it is turned into a Gathamunga with as much artistic skill as possible. The body components of the Ghathamuga are fashioned of straws and bamboo leaves, and the bells used to represent ears are placed on the Nanglo (a bamboo circular plate-like object used in Nepali kitchens for sifting rice).
Tantra Vidya has its origins in the Kathmandu Valley, which has long been recognized as its hub. On the day of Akshaya Tritiya in the month of Baisakha, Siddha Tantrikas in this region used to employ Tantra Vidya to summon Ghosts, Vampires, Dakinis, Shakinis, Rakinis, and other Supernatural creatures and hide them throughout the day in secret chambers and dark corners of the house. With the assistance of those Spirits, difficult tasks and farming were accomplished at night. Tantra Vidhi (Spiritual Method) used to bid the ghost farewell after farming in this manner. As a result, it is thought that spirits will leave the house after being cursed, having the corners of the house cleaned, and lighting candles and lights.
It is customary to gather the ghosts that have been exorcised from the homes, and in the evening they parade around the town reciting the curses of the locals before being mass-interred on the bank of the river. After driving out the ghosts that had taken up residence in the dwelling, Bhairava Naach (Lakhe Naach) is performed. The pujas will begin from this day when the cultural items that have been in storage since Kumar Khasthi Know as Sithi Nakha are removed.
Gantakarna Story
A fascinating tale surrounds Gantakarna Chaturdashi. There was a godless heretic demon in antiquity. Even though he detested gods and goddesses, he would still wear 16 to 17 Dharni(Dharni means 2Kg and 400 Grm) Metallic Bell while claiming that he ought to pay attention to the names of gods and their contributions to society. His name became Gantakarna because he used to stroll around with a bell hanging from his ear. When worshiping the gods and sages, Gantakarna Demon used to impede proceedings and cause distress. He loved iron, which made those who wore jewelry very unhappy with him. Moneylenders who used to cross the street twice and other such illegal activities were subject to taxation, and those who failed to pay were put to death and devoured. Children and defenseless women made up the majority of the cannibals’ victims.
When a Tantrik saw that Ghantakarna‘s horror had spread over the entire human population, he took the appearance of a frog and traveled to the location of Ghantakarna. Ghantakarna was then squishing people with hunger while sitting on the sidewalk. People were hiding in their homes at the time for fear of being consumed by Ghantakarna. When Gantakarna encountered the frog, he asked him to lead him to the settlement’s human inhabitants. The Tantrik in the shape of a frog indicated a location where a marsh was present and predicted that if one continued on from that location a human settlement would be discovered.
The monster traveled in the direction the frog indicated in the hopes of finding food, but instead became stranded in a swamp and had to spend the night howling. The villagers assembled the following day and stoned him to death. Others recount the mythical tale of Gantakarna‘s death at the hands of a well. In this way, an effigy of the oppressive Ghantakarna is built and burned every year on Chaturdashi day of Shrawan Krishna Pakshya so that the dread of Ghantakarna will never be experienced again. By combining green reeds, dried Chhwali, Saccharum Spontaneum, Reed, etc., one can create a three-legged monster.
It is common to roll, rub, and curse when burning wood in an open area (Chhwase) near the Junctions in town and toles or on the riverbank in the evening. In this fashion, after the Ganthakarna is sold, copper, iron, or iron rings are nailed with Three or Five khutte (Leged) shape nails to the front door of the house. According to a widespread myth, nailing the door prevents ghosts, demons, etc. from entering the house, while wearing the ring prevents Ghosts, Tuna-Muna (Black Arts), etc. from touching people. Keeping Dahi-Chiura (Bau), Samya Baji, etc. in the Dobato or Chaubato ( Junctions) is another method utilized in some locations to fend off spirits.