वसन्त पञ्चमीसरस्वती पूजा – श्रीपञ्चमी

A special day is observed today by worshiping Goddess Saraswati, the pinnacle of wisdom and music, at Saraswati Puja, Shree Panchami or Basant Panchami. It is anticipated that spring will officially begin today. Welcome to Koiali (Koyal bird)‘s Kuhu Kuhu and the king of warmth, spring, after this heartbreaking winter and the sprinkle of water.

As the Goddess of Music, Knowledge, and Education, Goddess Saraswati, we wanted to make today’s Saraswati Pooja special article Lord Ganesh by providing a straightforward Nepali translation of her hymns. Goddess  Saraswati, a goddess worshipped by Lords  Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, is as radiant as the moon, dressed in a white gown, holding a harp and a gift-giving crystal garland in her hands. She sits on a white lotus flower and is said to be the giver of pure knowledge.

The First Letter

The time to begin writing for children is right now. Today is a special day to honor Goddness Saraswati, the apex of knowledge and music, and is known as Saraswati Puja, Shree Panchami, or Basant Panchami.

In most  major schools around Nepal, there is a small or large Saraswati temple. It is crucial to view Saraswati Devi as a goddess of knowledge rather than as a representative of Hinduism or its culture. Regardless of our religious or philosophical beliefs, Vidya Devi Saraswati and the present day can be seen as the culmination of our education and our connection to knowledge.

Maybe a lot of us have started writing letters now. However, Saraswati Puja is the day of the founders. On this beautiful day of honoring their works and words.

Numerous Saraswati temples, including Nirbarahi, Lazimpat, Swayambhu, Nilsaraswati of Garidhara, Lele of Lalitpur, etc., hold fairs in Kathmandu. In Bhaktapur, there are fairs at the Saraswati temples Nag-Pokhari Thalachhen and Bhelukhel as well as Jeetpur Lhasapake Sashudyo (Manjushree Sthan). While events are held in Nepal at numerous temples and key schools. the Saraswati statue at Pashupati, also known as Manjushree by Buddhists. On the same idol, special adoration is being offered today.

Speaking specifically of Nepal, we Nepalese do not reside in a particularly cramped setting; in fact, Saraswati temples of various sizes can be found in the majority of government schools around the country. It’s critical to view Goddess Saraswati as an addiction to knowledge rather than as a representation of Hinduism or culture. We can view Saraswati and the present as the fulfillment of our relationship and knowledge, regardless of our religion or belief.