The Ninth day of Nawaraat is dedicated to the Goddess Tripursundari . Ashta Matrika is revered since she was created on the day of Nawaraat, and on the Ninth day, Mata Shodashi (Tripursundari), she is adored. As a result, on Nawami, they worship  Goddess Tripurasundari instead of Ashta Matrika, according to Dasamahabidya. Tripurasundari is an incarnation of Goddess Parbati, the most attractive deity in this Trilok (Jainism, a division of the universe into heavenly, earthly and infernal regions). Mahishasura was slain by Goddess Tripursundari on Nawami. Goddess discovered Mahishasura‘s escape into Khamye, or Rango (Male Buffalo)., and when she learned of it, she killed him in Bramhayani. Due to Mahishasura, the demon king, being killed on Nawami day, Khamey Jatra is still held in Bhaktapur to this day.

Tripurasundari thus serves as the hub of power. Ashta Matrika, Bhairava, Ganesha, Shiva, Singhani (Simha), Tiger (Dumha), and Shwet Bhairav can all be found inside the Navadurga Bhawani in Bhaktapur. Why is it called Navadurga when there aren’t actually Nine Durgas? The answer is because Navdurga actually refers to Nava+Durga rather than Nine Durgas. Navdurga is worshipped in places where there are Eight Ashta matrikas and because Goddess Tripursundari , the force of those Ashta Matatrikas, is present.