Kaag Tihar- Worshipping the Crow
The first day begins with the Trayodashi of Kartik Krishna Pakshya (third day of Kartik’s darkmoon side) and ends with the Dwitiya of Kartik Sukla Pakshya on the fifth day (second day of full moon side of Kartik). Every day of Tihar has its own significance and meaning.
Crows are considered the messengers of Yamaraj, the deity of death, and Hindus worship them on the first day of the festival to bring good luck to their homes. In the morning, the people worship the crow and offer them food, rice, and sweets. They also believe that the Crow‘s caw-caw sound is an indication of the crow’s melancholy, which brings bad luck. As a result, on this day, people feed the crows in order to keep bad things from happening to them and to wish them good luck.